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AllertonChurch of England Primary School

Love Learn Flourish

Our Curriculum

Our Curriculum reflects our community and what we know about our learners … not just a National Curriculum but an ACE Curriculum. 


Our Vision

At Allerton CE Primary, we work towards a world where we love, learn and flourish.

We will achieve this by developing children to have helping hands, an enquiring mind, an open heart, a resilient spirit, a sense of wonder and to take responsible steps.


We are driven by our values of faith, community, inspiration and action.




Our Intention is to encourage children to develop positive relationships, self-confidence and a sense of purpose through their love of themselves and of learning. These are exemplified through our Role Models.


  • An ACE child has an enquiring mind 
  • An ACE child has an open heart 
  • An ACE child has a resilient spirit 
  • An ACE child takes responsible steps 
  • An ACE child has helping hands 
  • An ACE child has a sense of wonder. 




Subject Progression Documents


‘Development Matters’ and the ‘National Curriculum’, along with best practice guidance and training, define the key subject specific knowledge we want our children to learn.


We have high expectations for all our pupils, providing them with a well structured, enhanced curriculum where they have a huge array of opportunities. We want our children to view themselves as: 


  • ACE Readers 
  • ACE Writers
  • ACE Mathematicians
  • ACE Geographers 
  • ACE Scientists 
  • ACE Historians 
  • ACE Theologians 
  • ACE Athletes 
  • ACE Linguists 
  • ACE Cooks 
  • ACE Programmers 
  • ACE Artists
  • ACE Designers 
  • ACE Musicians 
  • And Safe ACEs 


to take ownership of their learning, and develop these specific skills and attributes for life. Subject progression documents break down key knowledge and skills, concisely and sequentially, that they need in order to be knowledgeable in these areas.


Key Knowledge 

Subject progression documents focus on subject specific knowledge children will need to retain and recall, and the skills and strategies needed to manipulate this new information for a specific task, providing a learning pathway which starts at EYFS and ends in Year 6. A clear progression of deepening skills sets, and a greater bank of subject specific knowledge is clearly outlined which build on previous learning.


Long term Plans (LTP)

Our Long Term Plans draw together key year group specific knowledge and connect it with the core values which we want our children to develop. The long term plan is the first stage in curating the ‘thematic learning’ which will be expanded in the Medium term planning. The LTP highlights key learning as defined by the subject progression documents and should show skills becoming more complex or embed throughout the year.


  • Visible Learning: Skills and strategies linked to the understanding of ‘learning’ itself. Children will start to unpick themselves are effective learners through meta-cognition and self-regulation strategies planned into specific points along their learning journey.  Details of this are explained in our Visible Learning Handbook (available on request). 
  • Skills for Life (Wellbeing): Skills that will support children to understand how to deal with the challenges of modern day life. These are usually connected to topic knowledge, for example linking bereavement with Events in World War II. For more information contact the curriculum and PSHE lead via the office. 
  • Christian Values: explaining the definition of key values for Christians and linking these to other areas of learning and their experience. For more information contact the RE lead via the office.


Each Medium-Term Plan starts with the end outcomes in mind. These outcomes will be celebrated at the end of the term. This is done in a number of ways through blog, assemblies or community events. To achieve this, teaching staff will look at breaking learning down into weekly foci. To make learning purposeful, it is connected to a 'Big Question' that focuses thematic learning around personal development concepts such as mutual respects, democracy and growth that link with our vision. 


Personal development questions connect learning where it is meaningful. Where subject specific learning doesn't fit into the thematic learning or needs to be taught separately it is viewed as discrete learning. All steps in learning are outlined in the Medium- Term plan. Once learning has been organised, teaching staff will plan to deliver an experience which will hook the learner. These can be visitors, experiences, trips or curiosities. Opportunities to recall prior learning are built into lesson sequences and used to inform gaps in planning, teaching and learning. 




We will measure the impact of the curriculum in a number of ways: 


  • Termly teacher assessment (For Reading, Writing, Maths and Science) 
  • Pre and post units assessment grids (based on Knowledge Organisers)
  • Observations
  • Presentations/ celebrations and published work 
  • Engagement rankings ( for Visible Learning and Social Moral Spiritual Cultural)
  • Have a go tasks (cold assessment) 
  • Low stake quizzes 
  • Pupil interview  (based on targeted questions)
  • Staff feedback
  • Time Responses (TT RockStars, stamina tasks)
  • Progress measures

Subject Areas

Our curriculum offer is outlined in the Year Group Long Term Plans. Should you wish to view a ‘subject specific’ Long-Term Plan or want more detail on how we plan teaching and learning for the different subjects’ disciplines, you can request to see our ACE subject ‘Progression Documents’ via the office. Our passionate subject leaders are always more than happy to discuss their subject visions with you.