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Allerton CE Primary School home page

AllertonChurch of England Primary School

Love Learn Flourish

How will my child’s learning needs be assessed, and their progress monitored?

As part of the Assessment and Inclusion cycles, all pupils are set targets to achieve, based on their starting points and staff’s knowledge of the child. Parents are invited to 2 whole school parent consultations each year (October and March). You can request additional meetings with the class teacher/ SENCo /KS leader at any other time.


All parents will receive a short, written academic report in Summer term 2.


Data is analysed each term, to evaluate the progress of children on the SEND register, and also those who have taken part in interventions. We may track their learning with B Squared which is an assessment framework for pupils engaged in subject specific learning covering the Primary Curriculum. Primary Steps is a fully inclusive assessment framework.


Children who have an EHC Plan, high level needs top up funding, or personal plans, have termly reviews. Parents and carers are invited, along with teachers/support staff and any appropriate professionals. You will be invited to discuss progress made and to discuss new targets. One of these each year will be an annual review, at which reports from all professionals involved with your child will be shared and discussed. Both parents/carers and your child will have the opportunity to make a similar contribution. All children will be given the opportunity to attend reviews and/or make a written contribution to the review/target setting process.