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AllertonChurch of England Primary School

Love Learn Flourish

School Council

Our School Council is a valued and essential part of our school. Classes from Nursery to Year 6 hold a class council which feeds into the whole school meeting, so all children have a representative voice in our school.


One representative from each class is elected by their peers at the start of the year and they attend weekly meetings. Older pupils also hold additional roles within the council such as chair, secretary and treasurer.


These meetings follow an agreed agenda, which is set by the Chair and Secretary. Mrs Whiteley helps to supervise these meetings.


The School Council will look at ways in which to spend any budget that they have and also ways in which to further improve the school. In the past they have made decisions upon playground spending, charities to support, how to fundraise for school improvements, organising take over day and planning whole school celebrations. They also always play a key role on the recruitment of new staff to the school taking an active role in the interview process.


Have you got any items that you would like the School Council to discuss?


Have you got any ideas which you think the School Council would benefit from?


If so, please add your comments on the school council blog or drop a note to your Class Council Representatives who are:


School Council Representatives (2020-21):


Year 1: Joey Junior, Jacob & Hashir

Year 2: Maryam, Oluwamurewa & Oscar

Year 3: Eason, Benjamin & Aeyesha

Year 4: Niamh, Emily & Reuben

Year 5: Romeesa, Haroon, Zara & Lewand

Year 6: Hasini, Jayden, Helen, Jack, Annie & Alex


Responsible for talking to children in Nursery and Reception so that they are aware of what is being discussed and that they are also given the opportunity to have a ‘voice’.


Parent/School Governor Reps:


Responsible for putting updates in the school newsletter and producing bi-annual reports for the School Governors


School Council Link Governor is John Sherbourne.