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Allerton CE Primary School home page

AllertonChurch of England Primary School

Love Learn Flourish



Allerton CE Primary Houses work in many different ways….Sports Days, Maths Competitions, Reading challenges, singing…to name just a few. It helps to build relationships across year groups and promotes collaborative learning and teamwork.


‘House points’ are used throughout school as a consistent and visible reward to promote positive learning behaviour, serving the community and being a good ambassador for the school’s values. These are collated individually and as a team.


Children remain in the same House throughout their time with us and families are allocated to the same House.

All staff are also in a House, which makes it all the more interesting!


Our Year 6 House Captains are elected at the beginning of the year. To meet our current House Captains, to find out which Charity each House is supporting this year and to get to know the House more, please click on the relevant link.


ACE House Teams