What Partnerships do we work with to provide support for children with SEND?
As well as working closely with parents, support is sought from other agencies where necessary in order to maximise learning potential.
We regularly engage with, EPs, Attendance, Autistic Spectrum (STARS team), Early Years SEN,
Speech and Language, School Nursing service, CAMHS, Parent Partnership, Children’s Social Care, Complex Needs Team, Behaviour Support, school paediatrician, Occupational Therapists, Physiotherapists.
The school works closely with the other local schools (Alwoodley, Roundhay and Moortown Cluster) The cluster has family support workers and CaMHS workers who can be accessed by the school as required. The school is part of the North East Leeds Primary Area Inclusion Partnership. This ensures that there is additional provision for pupils with high levels of complex needs and enables them to access the Locality Inclusion team, and additional advice/strategies. There is also the possibility of off-site learning at “Leos” the AIP support unit.
We work closely with the Alwoodley Children’s Centre who have one of their bases on our school site.