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Allerton CE Primary School home page

AllertonChurch of England Primary School

Love Learn Flourish

How would a vulnerable or SEN child be supported in keeping themself safe?

  • Our PSHE curriculum and wider personal development concepts do address the origins of negative behaviours, including stereotyping, diversity, concert and bullying. These are done in an age-appropriate manner. The PSHE page on our website outlines our approach to parents and carers.  Being aware of 'grooming' is a strong theme that can be tracked throughout the school from Nursery culminating it being taught by the police in Y6. 
  • Respect is taught and reinforced throughout the school in age and developmentally appropriate ways, through our school rules of Respecting Each other, Respecting the Environment and Respecting Ourselves. This links with the British values of Mutual Respect, Tolerance and Individual Liberty. 
  • Children are encouraged and supported to share feelings, thoughts or worries through age and developmentally appropriate ways through the use of Worry Monsters in each classroom. 
  • Teachers, support staff and Pastoral and SEN teams can work with children, using their specialist training in ASD, Communication Difficulties, Attachment Awareness, SPLD and more to support children in understanding how they should be treated, should treat others and how to communicate for help.