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Allerton CE Primary School home page

AllertonChurch of England Primary School

Love Learn Flourish

How will we support your child when leaving this school or moving to another class?

We recognise that transitions can be difficult for a child with SEND and take steps to ensure any transition is as smooth as possible.


There are strong links with the local high schools and a number of initiatives ensure that even our most vulnerable children have the best possible transition between Y6 and Y7. All children attend “taster days”, but those who need it can usually visit and meet staff as often as necessary.


We will contact the school SENCos and ensure they are aware of any special arrangements or support which needs to be made prior to your child’s arrival.


We will pass on all records to the receiving school.


Parents are expected to make requests for the high school places. We will support you if you wish, in finding out which school will be the best for your child, by putting you in contact with SEND IASS (see above).


If it is thought necessary for a child to access a specialist provision during their time in school, this will be done with ongoing discussion with parents and carers, and educational support services.


When moving classes in school.


Transition meetings are held between current and receiving class teachers during the summer term, in order to share all information related to individual children. Children from EYFS upwards have opportunities to spend transition sessions with their new class teacher. For some children social stories and photo books can be made to ease the trauma of such a major change.