What happens if my child still requires extra support?
A very small percentage require support of an additional nature to that which can be provided by Universal Services.
In this case the Inclusion Team will discuss the possibility of asking the Local Authority to undertake an assessment towards a possible Education, Health and Care Plan of your child’s needs.
This will always be following detailed discussion with parents and carers, as well as the child if appropriate.
We will discuss the process with parents and ask for permission to proceed.
We will gather information from all agencies involved.
We will evaluate strategies and interventions which have already been put in place.
We will send all information to the Local Authority.
The Local Authority will then hold a Multi-Agency Panel (MAP) meeting to discuss your child’s needs and requirements, and whether to proceed with an assessment. Parents are invited to attend this meeting, and if they wish, the most appropriate member of the SEND team will be there to support them.
Once the Local Authority receives a request to consider whether to draw up an EHC Plan, a legal timescale begins. This process is bound by legislation and guidance within the SEND Code of Practice.
Throughout this process, your child’s needs will continue to be met with the support which is already in place.