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AllertonChurch of England Primary School

Love Learn Flourish

School Day

Structure and timings of the school day

The school week is 32.5 hours.

Start times

  • 08:40   3YO Nursery (AM, MTW, WTF, 30 hours or FT), Reception to Year 6

  • 08:45   2YO Nursery

  • 11:55   3YON (pm)


  • Nursery Lane Gate opens at 08:30 as it takes longer to walk down the path.

  • Lingfield Approach gate and the internal Nursery Lane gate both open at 8.35am for the children to enter the playground.

  • Both gates will be locked at 08:55 to allow Nursery and Reception parents time to leave the site.

  • Parents can drop siblings off at the same time, at the earliest drop off for their year group.

  • Reception parents can bring the children on to the playground for the first half term, to settle and get used to routines if needed. 

  • From October half term, Reception children line up with a member of staff or can come on site with their siblings.

  • Year 1 staff will line the children up inside the car gate. The staff will have a sign.

  • Pupils come on to site independently, as this worked really well last year.

  • Please do not block the paths outside the school whilst waiting for the gates to open.


End of School

  • 11:45     2 YO Nursery

  • 11:40     3YO Nursery (AM)

  • 14:40     3YO Nursery (30 hours and Full Time)

  • 14:55     3YO Nursery (PM) 

  • 15:10      Reception to Y6


  • Systems remain the same, with siblings going home together.
  • Children will go home either via the Nursery Lane Gate, Lingfield Approach gate or walk home on their own. (UKS2)
  • Nursery Lane Gate opens at 3:00pm. If you are collecting from Nursery at 2:40pm or 2:55pm please use the main entrance on Lingfield Approach.
  • Parents pick up near their coloured sign with their child's class colour. This has been sent as a reminder. Please do leave space for the classes to walk to their class signs.


The total time of the school week is at least 32.5 hours.

Getting to school


To get to and from school, walking is definitely the best option! There are lots of benefits: it’s healthier than travelling by car, it improves the safety of pedestrians and road-users, and it respects nearby residents and parking regulations.


Alternatively, we have bike-racks which are lockable and encourage children to come by bike or scooter.


If you do need to travel by car, please park in the Park and Ride next to Allerton High School. Alternatively, in the car park at the Lingfield Centre, when it is available.

Car Park Gate Closing Times

Parents or carers with a blue badge are able to park in the car park for drop off and pick up. 

The gates will be closed to all traffic between 08:25 - 08:50 to enable safe dropping off of pupils.

This will be the same 14:35-15:15. 


Please do speak to the admin team, or a member of SLT, if you need to arrange a different drop off time should this cause an issue for you.

Changes to pick up arrangements

If you need to make a one off change to the collection arrangements for your child, please contact the office. We need 24 hours notice ideally unless an absolute emergency.