What are the different types of support available for children with SEND at Allerton CE Primary School?
Wave 1 – Quality First Teaching forms the basis of provision for all our children.
Lessons are pitched to enable learners to make progress from their individual starting points. Appropriate resources will be used to ensure your child makes the optimum progress. The curriculum is designed with the needs of all children in mind.
All staff regularly receive training to support the needs of all children in their class. All classes in school have access to at least one Teaching Assistant for part, or all of the school day. The amount of additional support available is dependent on a number of aspects such as SEND funding and Pupil Premium Grant funding in the class.
Wave 2.
Small group interventions for children who can be expected to “catch up” with their peers as a result of additional support. This type of support can be in the classroom or, at times, this may mean being withdrawn from the classroom to a suitable space, either individually or in a small group, for some targeted intervention.
These are not necessarily SEND interventions. They may include booster groups, pre-teaching or targeted response to activities provided in the classroom. They may be based on feedback from specific activities. Groups may be set up in the class or across cohorts to maximise the support available, and ensure all children have access to what is appropriate.
Wave 3
Specific targeted intervention for individual children identified as requiring SEND support. Children at Wave Three may have particular needs related specifically to mathematics or literacy, or needs associated with other barriers to learning. Provision at Wave Three is likely to draw on specialist advice. It may involve the adjustment of learning objectives and teaching styles and/or individual support. It aims to reduce gaps in attainment and facilitate greater access to Waves One or Two.
The cycle of Assess Plan Do Review
There is a Graduated Response approach to monitoring a child who requires additional support.
The process for implementing SEND support is arranged in 4 stages as outlined in the SEND Code of Practice.
Parents and Carers are kept fully informed.
ASSESS – When concerns arise, information is gathered from a variety of sources including, teacher, pupil, parent and outside agencies as appropriate. This is so we can develop an accurate picture of needs, attainment, targets, motivators and how they respond to different teaching approaches.
PLAN – After gathering the information a support plan is put together to outline the methods that will be used to achieve specific outcomes. Short term targets are agreed to prioritise key areas of learning and ways the progress will be measured. If external agencies are involved, their advice and recommendations are included in the support plan. Any actions will take into account strengths as well as difficulties. Support will be allocated as appropriate, but will ensure a child can engage in lessons and wider school activities and develop independent learning.
DO – These plans are working documents and will be adjusted if the class teacher /SENCo feels that the plan is not working, for whatever reason, or if the child achieves their SMART targets.
REVIEW – Plans are reviewed termly. In this review all targets will be evaluated and the views of the pupil (where appropriate) will be recorded. A further plan will then be devised, if required, to enable the pupil to achieve their next steps in learning. If a pupil has made sufficient progress the support plan will cease, and the child will be closely monitored. For children with more complex needs termly review meetings will be held with the parents and a combination of class teacher/support staff, SENco and any external agencies.