Religious Education
At Allerton CE Primary school we aim for pupils to have a core understanding of different religions that make up our local society and the wider world. At the heart of this, children develop: core knowledge through an enquiry-led curriculum, the skills to reflect on key questions, make links and allow children to connect with individual and societal concerns…. and embrace controversy and complexity through reasoned argument. We are a multi-faith school and offer a rich and varied curriculum to reflect this whilst maintaining our distinct Christian character.
At Allerton C of E Primary School, Religious Education is taught in accordance with the Leeds Agreed Syllabus and reflects the distinctive and inclusive ethos of our Anglican foundation. Religious Education is a core component of the basic curriculum, to be taught alongside the National Curriculum in all maintained schools. The purpose of religious education is to enable children to learn about religions and to learn from religion. ‘Understanding Christianity’ is a resource used in school in addition to the Leeds Agreed Syllabus to provide an enhanced RE curriculum for the teaching of Christianity.