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AllertonChurch of England Primary School

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Clean Air Day 2022

This Thursday is Clean Air Day.


Every year, air pollution causes up to 36,000 deaths in the UK. The World Health Organisation and the UK Government recognise that air pollution is the largest environmental health risk we face today. 


Children are particularly at risk from air pollution, as their immune systems, lungs and brains are still developing. Air pollution can affect children’s physical health, and their ability to learn, and even lead to death. Yet millions of children are still exposed to dangerously high levels of air pollution, as over a quarter of UK schools are in areas above WHO air pollution limits.


Clean Air Day helps to remind us of our part in causing air pollution and how we can help to reduce it. Here are some of the things we can do:

  • walk, scoot or cycle to school
  • use public transport if you live further away
  • if you have to use a car then share lifts if possible - this reduces the number of vehicles on the road
  • if you use a car and stop to drop off or collect your child  don't leave your engine idling - switch the engine off so that you don't fill the air with fumes.


Every little helps  - so please do your little bit to help!


Clean Air Day Leaflet