Mathematics – Vision and Aims
At Allerton CE Primary School, we strive for all pupils to develop a passion, knowledge and understanding of Mathematics. Children are able to grow into confident, creative, Mathematicians, making links between taught concepts and Maths in everyday life.
We aim that all pupils:
- Become fluent in the fundamentals of Mathematics developing an ability to recall and apply knowledge rapidly and accurately.
- Can reason Mathematically, developing an argument or proof using mathematical language.
- Can show resilience and persevere to solve problems by applying their Mathematics to a variety of problems including unfamiliar contexts and every day, real-life situations.
- Can use Mathematical language accurately; discussing their learning with confidence and precision, both independently and collaboratively.
- Possess positive attitudes to Mathematics through interesting, purposeful and enjoyable experiences.
- Record their work in a clear and accurate way where the presentation is of a high standard and something that they are proud of.